Frequently Ask Questions

We only deal on wholesale orders, and we do not retail so for us to be able to supply your company, we need to receive your company details, exact wish list for your order.

All our products are EU certified and we provide all quality inspection documents to back up our product quality and to avoid the circulation of any counterfeit products.

We ensure our clients get the required documents such as Certificate of Origin, FDA, Bureau VERITAS ISO 90001, Quality analysis certificate, Euro A as well as brand authorization and sanitized invoices before their goods are shipped out.

It all depends on the country of destination but the quotations we provide to our clients generally include the VAT so no extra VAT to be paid

This depends on the order quantity. It is possible we offer discounts of 5-25% depending on the purchase value but that has to be agreed with our sales agents.

You can pay by bank transfer and also by debit/credit card for more details contact our sales agent.

Generally, we do not stock we operate on a warehousing order preparation policy with our main suppliers and manufacturers. Generally, the processing period requires 8-12 days all depending on order quantity.

No, in order to provide a streamlined service, orders placed are paid for as part of the order process directly.

We do NOT allow collection of orders in person. We can have them delivered to your forwarder in case we do not have to handle the freight.